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From Diane and the RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team
“Island Sensations” by Island Frank

Frank Tuma releases another splendid instrumental World/Latin CD, “Island Pleasures,” that is overflowing with warm and inviting melodies. Tuma has an inspiring talent of creating fresh and original songs that make you feel as if you are on a tropical island dancing to the grooves of upbeat and melodic melodies. The song, “My Hawaiian Flower,” makes you want to kick back and soak up the energy of warm sun while sipping on a cool tropical drink. Another song, “The Way You Move,” is electrifying as it moves with an alluring sensation and will surely have you dancing in no time. “I’m Happy When I Samba,” has a cheerful ambiance as it is richly textured with dynamic instrumentation. If you are looking for some fun tropical flavored songs then you will take delight when hearing the delicious songs on the terrific album, “Island Pleasures.”

From Diane and the RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team
“Island Fantasies” by Island Frank (World Artist from Florida)

The talents of Frank Tuma shine again as he releases another marvelous CD, “Island Fantasies,” that is overflowing with delightful World/Island instrumental music. Tuma, who is a great composer and musician, creates a collection of songs that make you feel as if you are on a warm tropical island relaxing in the sun. The song, “I Want to Go Home to My Island,” is bright and energetic as the rhythmic beats charm its way into your heart and soul. It really has a fun and inviting melody. Another song, “Limbo and Be Happy,” offers some crisp synth horns riffs and really does get you in a happy mood. “Dancing Under a Latin Moon,” shines with a syncopated rhythm while the acoustic guitar complements the fascinating piano. Tuma really has fun with his music and this CD is infused with exciting melodies and wonderfully textured sounds. If you are a fan of Harry Belafonte or Jimmy Buffet, then you will definitely enjoy the warm and inviting songs on the album, “Island Fantasies.”

From Diane and the RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team
Marvelous Latin/Salsa Music

You will be dancing to the beats as you listen to the marvelous Latin/Salsa music on the fantastic CD, “ISLAND BEATS,” by talented musician Frank Tuma. Tuma has created a well crafted collection of rhythmic instrumental songs that makes one feel as if they are enjoying a warm summer day on a tropical island. Opening up the CD, “Cuban Salsa,” will get your body moving with lively syncopated beats that float around the energetic melody. “I’ll Find You Again,” has a crisp piano that plays the melody with a vibrant flair. You will get a wonderful taste of Latin Jazz on the song, “Salsa With My Jazz,” as this song sparkles with bouncy energy. If you are searching for fun and upbeat Latin/Salsa music to liven up a party, then pop in the excellent album, “Island Beats,” as you will be up and dancing in no time.

Artist:  Frank Tuma
Album Title:  Island Love
Review by Jason Randall Smith

There are some albums that you can listen to and immediately be transported to the world that the music has created.  Frank Tuma lives to convey that feeling to his audience and has created several dozen instrumental albums, all of them examining an island theme.  This wide-open musical canvas gets painted with a broad brush, touching upon various styles of music including Latin, Hawaiian, and Caribbean flavors.  Often referred to as “Island Frank,” Mr. Tuma composes music from a happy-go-lucky place in his heart. Armed with only a keyboard, he plays as if there’s an entire band behind him.

Island Love is as much an aural extension of Frank’s travels around the world sampling different cultures as it is a soundtrack to a married couple’s wedding anniversary vacation. The opening selection “Where Has Love Gone” will give you an idea of what you can expect for the rest of the album.  Frank showers the song with light percussion and bounces back and forth between several electronically generated “soloists,” moving from flute to piano to trumpet.  As a classically trained pianist, his movements up and down the keyboard are exceptional and flawless.  However, his talent often eclipses the generic background scenarios that comprise each song on this album.

“Calls from the Edge of the Universe” is one of the few exceptions to the rule due to its somber tone in comparison to the other cuts.  The deliriously happy vibe is noticeably gone, leaving the listener with moments of longing and contemplation.  As Frank plays the main melody through a series of woodwind-inspired presets, there’s a sense that his mind has left the palm trees and warm climates of the island in favor of the final frontier of outer space.  Such a desire only lasts for one song before he’s back to the tropical fanfare of “Samba Explosion.”  The samba is a popular musical theme on Island Love and it is here where Tuma appears to be the most jubilant.  His solos during these numbers are carefree and frenetic.  As his keyboard emulates steel drums, he can barely contain his excitement.

It is also interesting to hear Frank incorporate more contemporary sounds such as reggaeton into his compositions.  The introduction to “No Cell Phones Out Here” features a mid-tempo bounce that gives the song a headstrong attitude that the others don‘t have.  There’s a self-assuredness within its rhythm and arrangement that won’t be denied. “Sophisticated Love” travels more traditional waters as “Island Frank” shuffles his way through a bossa nova number.  Set to a light click surrounded by laser-like pulses and Latin percussion, Tuma speaks the language of love fluently via a Spanish guitar and accordion. “Crazy for Cuban Salsa” delivers on its title’s promise, as the performance stays thematically faithful to the music’s Spanish and Afro-Cuban origins.  Tuma’s execution is admittedly admirable, handling all aspects of percussive flair and orchestral accompaniment with the utmost integrity.

It’s obvious while listening to Island Love that Frank Tuma is someone who writes and performs music simply for the love of doing so.  He channels his lust for life and respect for island living directly into his work.  While it is difficult to not associate this album with the words “Norwegian Cruise Line,” Tuma’s work is unashamedly honest and positive, which is a characteristic that must be treasured in an increasingly cynical world.

From Ron – written on Amazon.com

Frank Tuma is responsible for creating some of the most beautiful Caribbean-style music I’ve ever heard. If you are unacquainted with “Island Frank” as he is called, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by sampling his on-line tracks before you buy.

I personally consider ISLAND HOPPING and ISLAND MOODS to be two of his best. However, his masterwork is probably ISLAND NIGHTS. It is music that your subconscious mind always dreamed of hearing but never did. Listen, and you shall behold the rhythms of the Universe. For more information about Frank Tuma, please visit his website.

From RadioIndy

Be ready to be whisked away to a sunny tropical paradise as you listen to the wonderful collection of instrumental songs on the album, “Island Attitudes,” by Frank Tuma. The splendid compositions that Tuma has created lets the audience feel as if they are enjoying the delights of the Caribbean and is an album that is ideal mood music. Opening up the CD the song, “I need to Dance the Merengue,” leaves one with a feeling of fun and upbeat sensations as the vibrant sounds play with energy and enthusiasm. The warm and inviting syncopated beats on, “My Dream Island,” complement the warm and charming melody. The nimble percussion on the song, “Love in the Moonlight,” adds to the shimmering guitar that gracefully glides through the sensuous melody. “Island Attitudes,” is an album that takes you to that magical bliss of tropical inspiration and is an endlessly enjoyable album.

From Pine Island Garden Club

We again thank you for supporting our Pine Island Garden Gala.  Your beautiful music adds spice to our island lifestyle.  Your tropical beats help make our gala a pleasant experience for our visitors.  We will certainly call upon you again to join us in a Pine Island Gala.  Your help is crucial to the success of our annual gala.

From Doris

Thank you very much for the three CDs, which arrived on the next day.  “Island Vibrations” is on the way to Europe.  Thank you for the extra CD.  I appreciate that.  The music is wonderful, just what I was hoping for, only better!  Yours in happy music.

From Fred

Hi Frank . . . .With all the people you meet, I would never expect you to remember me. But for at least the last three years, I have stopped by during the Fort Myers Art Festival to say hi and buy a CD. You and your music are always the high point of my visit. This year, you got up from the keyboard and we chatted a bit while bracing ourselves against the strong wind.

Anyway, we have spent the last two days pounding the highway between Cape Coral and home here in Florence, Alabama. After two months at our house there, we had to get back. Heading up I-75 for 355 miles yesterday was bad enough but today was worse, a lot of crazies mixed in with 452 miles of traffic. Then after getting home came the job of unloading the car and getting things at least half way in order.  By about 8:30PM, I had just about had it. Luckily, I was down to the last duffle. I turned it upside down and out came the CD I bought this year, “Island Moods.”  I put it on the Bose, cranked up the volume and played the whole thing.

You know, I couldn’t have played your music at a better time. The lilt and bounce did more to soothe my nerves and arrest my tiredness than anything I could think of.  That’s one of the great things about producing music. Once it’s “out there” you just never know how powerful it can be. And we won’t even mention the allure of the Caribbean beat. When I go to bed in a few minutes, I’m sure it will bring up images of palm trees, sandy beaches and warm winds.

So thanks a bunch, my friend.

From RadioIndy

“Island Ecstasy,” the new CD from Frank Tuma, is designed to transport us all to the warm Caribbean Islands.  It is an instrumental album replete with all the variety of Caribbean style percussive instruments, guitars, and piano, accompanied with a heavy emphasis upon the upbeat and expressive steel drum.  On the first track, “Caribbean Dancing,” there is a quick and excited beat over which we hear talented steel drumming played at a speed that will baffle and excite the ears.  “A Bit of Africa in the Caribbean” is a song that lives up to its title as it is a cool blend of African and Island drum sounds, with flutes and steel drums doing the singing.  For the song, “Living My Dreams,” Frank slows it down a little and uses his island rhythms as a relaxant.  Whether you are already a fan of the sounds of the Caribbean Islands, or appreciate when an album attempts to mentally transport you to another place, then you should give the “Island Ecstasy” CD a try.

From G.J.

Frank:  You breathe music; you are unique and very talented.

From Ann

What a success! Your music helped set the whole party in a fantastic Caribbean mood. It was lovely. The first guests came at four o’clock in the afternoon, and the last guest went home at one o’clock in the morning.  Thank you so much for your ability to make us travel from one place to another, in an instance. We went from snow and darkness, to sunlight and sandy beaches in two seconds (with the help of some pina coladas, also). Now, we can’t wait for the spring to come.  My husband and I have been to the Bahamas and we were eager to go back there, if only in spirit, and you helped us doing that.  Thank you so much.

Kind Regards, Ann from Sweden

From Joanne

You haven’t heard from me for a while but I remain one of your biggest fans.  I understand that Muzak has closed its doors.  My immediate thought was your music should replace those sounds with which we are so (ho-hum) familiar.  My husband remarked:  “Wouldn’t it be a welcome change if people could bound off an elevator in high spirits to begin the work day?”  I wholeheartedly agree!  Just a thought!

From RadioIndy, Review of “Island Birth”

Sink your toes in the sand and order up a tall tropical drink as you sit back and enjoy the refreshing “Island Birth” by Frank Tuma.  Tuma has compiled a wonderful selection of island music splashed with flavorful textures of Latin and jazz.  Production is first-rate as the multi-layered instruments are well mixed and tempos are moderate with an uplifting spirit.  The zest of each instrument really brings forth the essence of a tropical paradise and invigorates one’s mind and body.  “Wild Bossa Nova” is an exciting arrangement in a call-and-response form from the bright synth horns and guitar.  A striking synth brass section carries a delightful melody in “New York Salsa” as the percussion keeps a solid beat.  Bob Marley and/or Harry Belafonte fans will want to check out “Island Birth,” as it is an engaging collection of energetic Latin/jazz music from a tropical setting.
Diane and the RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team

From RadioIndy February 2008 – Gold Artists Award

Dear Frank Tuma:
We screen thousands of songs by indie artists and name the best artists RadioIndy.com Gold Artists. We focus on musicianship, songwriting and recording quality when determining your Gold Artist status. Congratulations – You are a RadioIndy Gold Artist!

From RadioIndy, Review of “Isla Magnifica”

“Isla Magnifica” by Frank Tuma is best likened to a picture-perfect tropical paradise, musically speaking that is. These instrumental tunes take on a lively Caribbean groove, engaging listeners with thrilling rhythms, native percussion, triumphant brass arrangements, and bright steel pans. The musicianship is high throughout this CD. “Topsy – Turvy” displays all of these delightful qualities, while introducing the captivating sounds of the native flute. “I Just Can’t Leave This Place” shifts vibes rather dramatically, steering toward a softer, more serene acoustic-guitar-driven sound. Whatever the song profile – fast or slow, serene or vibrant – Frank Tuma tackles it with island flair.”  -Xavier P. and RadioIndy.com

From Coni (Ocala, FL)

I was looking for something else and happened up on your site. Your sense of humor in the pics cracked me up which of course led me to read more — great stuff! Now, if we could figure out how to get the rest of the country to get a little more laid back like that…: )

At the end of my reading I had a nice surprise to see you’re from Florida!!!! I have some of my art in the Matlacha Art Gallery and love Pine Island—tho’ my true love is Sanibel. I also loved the art by Dianna Willman & plan to write to her too.  Thanks for a beautiful site and check out my Island Art — it fits with your music!

From Graham

Hi Frank, Just Like To Say Love Your Music, And would be most interested if you could do me a Kingston Town version on steel drum as it was my wife and my wedding day song, many thanks.

From Brad

I am making a product video for use in trade shows and I would like to
use your song “Can’t Resist The Bomba.”  The song fits perfectly with
our video, so could you let me know what I need to do in order to use
the song? Thanks.

From Charles N. and RadioIndy

The CD entitled “Island Bars” by Frank Tuma is an instrumentally beautiful work of art wonderfully mixed with Jazz and blues with a strong Caribbean feel . This CD is full of classical and traditional grooves combined in a revolutionary way, yet holding its strong quality of reminiscence. The musicianship and recording quality on the CD are splendid. The artist behind this exquisite work is completely, heartily welded in the tunes as he plays with a sense of dexterity, vivacity and wit. His manner of blend of instruments is magical. All the tracks in this CD sound very good. However, we see ourselves playing the track “When the saints are marching” over and over again. Frank’s well arranged instruments give this traditional number a contemporarily Latino feel, rich in Jazz influence. The title “In a down and dirty Bar” has a skillful trumpet part and a rich Jazzy touch. If you enjoy hauntingly ethereal instrumental melodies with Jazz and blues flavor, you will enjoy this CD. Pick up a copy today.

From Carl

What is the song and what album is the song used when you open your website?  I love that and want that CD.  Any more upbeat calypso-ish songs like that on your CDs?  I like very upbeat dance music, and that is the style and tempo I enjoy.  I’m “next door” to New Orleans.  (Bought 4 CDs and got one free).

From Lily

I just ordered your Island Magic CD.  I love the song .. “Don’t Make Me Leave My Island.”  We are getting married in November in Negril, Jamaica, and that is the song we are having during the ceremony — soft, sexy, romantic but energized also.  Thanks … I’m sure once I receive the CD there will be others I will also like, so we can enjoy the CD during our entire trip.  Thanks Again!

From Wayne

I am currently creating a Caribbean information site which will sell advertising space to advertisers, offering goods and services with a Caribbean connection, as well as have links to other Caribbean sites on it.  I just found your site.  Excellent music!  It’s very enjoyable.  I am currently looking for some good Caribbean music in order to provide a quality and uninterrupted stream at my site when it is launched in a week or two.  If possible, I would like to stream your Caribbean music in exchange for free advertising and a link to your site on mine.  If such an arrangement is possible please let me know.  Please respond either way because I would like to launch soon and must decide on a Caribbean music stream for the site.

From Paul in Maryland

Love the music!  How much for the complete collection, and how to order?

From Canada

I would like to invite you to join Beach Chic Boutiques.  I love your site and think it will fit right in in our Music section.

From Pietro in Italy

Hi, Frank.  I found your marvelous music back from a cruise in the Caribbean Islands while I was looking on internet for a specific music.  Then, I’ve got your CD, Island Hopping, on Apple Music Store.  Thanks for the attention and best regards.

From Joanne in Canada

Looking forward to receiving the CDs.  I had been mainly looking for steel drum performances (CDs) but found the internet offerings lacked energy and that the melody lines were weak.  Yours are truly amazing!

From El Chino in Colombia

Dear Frank:  I hope you are doing good.  I am DJ, El Chino, from Cali, Colombia.  I was in Stuttgart, Germany, where I played Salsa and Latin Jazz in some clubs and discos.  Now I live in Cali, Colombia, and I play Salsa as special guest in auditions and at radio station sometimes, for example LA FERIA DE CALI.  I work basically with progress Salsa and new Afro-Caribbean proposals, then I knew of your work in Internet and want to hear it.  It is difficult to get that kind of CDs here in Colombia, common radio stations work with salsa pop.

Now I am interested in your works like “Isla Espana e Island Dancing” and I want to show the people new good bands of the whole world.  How can I get one CD of yours?

Sorry my English, I speak just a little big.  A lot of greetings from Colombia.  We are in touch and I am looking forward to an answer.

From Canada

I’ve just recently discovered your music.  I just love it!  I’d like to purchase the whole selection of CDs that you have available.  Please inform me of the amount and desired method of payment.  Thank you.  Your New Fan, Randy.

From New York

Thanks, Frank.  I’ll take Island Fever for my free one.  I really appreciate your music and I am always reluctant to take anything free from you.  Fact is, I think you should raise your price from $15 to $20 and eliminate free ones.  I guess you know best.  Meanwhile, season’s greetings and best wishes for the new year.

From UK

I am just fascinated by your work and want to purchase “Island Magic.”  However, I live in London in the UK and there isn’t a postage option to the UK.  Is there any way around this?  I tried searching for the CD elsewhere on the internet but it seems this is the only website I would be able to purchase it from.  I have heard similar albums involving steel drums and the like, but they just don’t catch the island feel as well as you manage to!

Second message:  Thanks for the help with the postage situation.  I am purchasing your CD today.  Now I’m just looking forward to when you’re playing in London UK.

From Washington

I purchased this CD (“Island Rhythms”) at Ocean Shores, WA, at a gift shop.  They were playing this CD when I went in just to browse.  I asked the lady there who was playing and said I had to have it.  The music takes me to tropical islands.  I can feel the breeze on my face and the sand in my toes listening to this very relaxing music.  Excellent stuff!

From Jeff in Louisiana

Frank, just a short e-mail to tell you I hve listened to the 5 CDs from my first order.  Just like the “Island Vibrations” CD, all the songs on these CDs were excellent.  Please put me on your e-mial list and keep me informed on any new projects you have.

From Louisiana

I recently purchased your CD – “Island Vibrations” from CD Baby –  and have played the CD numerous times.  You have really written some excellent songs.  I see on your website that you have quite a few more CDs and am going to purchase them.

From Townsend, Georgia

Hi, Frank.  In record time your 5 CDs arrived and they are wonderful.  Thank you, and I am sending your website to our “island music” friends.

From Marco La Mantia, Palermo, Italia

I am an Italian DJ from Palermo, Sicilia.  Let me say you are GREAT!  I loved the trailers of your CD I heard from your site.  Now I’d like to promote your superbe music (it’ll be for sure) on my radio program.  (I produce a Latin radio program very popular here in Italy) and in my clubs.)  Here in Italy it doesn’t appear to be released.  If you can, please send a copy of your work to me.  I work with salsasicilia.com.  I’ll look forward to write a review of your CD on the site as soon as I receive it.

From Cruise Critic Member “Cool Cruiser”

Was looking on the net for some good steel drum cruise type music and ran across a gentleman by the name of Frank Tuma — good stuff to get in the mood with.

From Thomas,  Live 365 Vacation Radio

Absolutely have to agree with the above.  We’ve added 18 of Frank’s songs to the PVR playlist.


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